Friday, September 14, 2012

The shapes that are in these images are from the selection “Standard Primitives” in the drop down list.
First off we were taught to make a cube by determining the bottom dimension then the height .
We clicked the icon that has four arrows point up down left and right from a centre point. Then we learned to rotate which the icon looks like a standard circular arrow.
We also learned about naming the shape and changing the colour of it. This is so it didn’t create confusion. Then we used the icon that looks like a list with a mouse curser pointing at it. This is the “Select by name” tool.  This is so you can select your shapes in a separate window.  

We learned the icons that help us to move an object using the X,Y and Z Axis.

We also learned to use the rotation tool This is also working by the X, Y and Z axis.

We also learned how to use the snap tool. To help us snap things directly onto one another correctly and accurately.

We also used other shapes..  Apart from the square cube. We also used the sphere shape, the torus shape,  the teapot, the cone, the tube, cilinder and the pyramid.

I enjoyed messing around with the shapes today and distorting them into other shapes.

We used only the primitive shapes today. But this was enough to get my final object.

Our aim today was to end the day with a Castle scene. I have made one of those with the things that I have learned today.

These few images here are from me messing around with the shapes and learning about the placement of objects.

In this image I have used pretty much all of the primitive shapes to make the following images.

In this image I have changed the colours of some of the shapes just so that there is a difference. I also move some of the stuff around.

 In this image is where we learned to use the camera navigation tools.
in this image I have zoomed into a specific object That being the sphere.
This image is a prtsc of us learning how to copy objects. By Holding shift and using one of x,y,and z axis to move the object in the direction you woud like it to be copied.

You can change the colour of the objects. You can also make them into layers. By high lighting the objects that you want to be in a layer and then selecting them in the object select.

You can also change the sizes of individual shapes.

 In this image we had changed the amount of squares on the shape, to make these squares appear you can press F4.
 You can select different objects on the shape using different settings.
When you click them you can change them using the gizmos.
In this image I've selected an entire square and moved it to distor the cube.

 This is the same square that I was talking about distorting. I distorted it into this strange shape using the little points, the lines and the actal squares.

Here is a print screen from a tutorial we had with our lecturer Mike showing us how to make a Sword.

Here is a screen shot from the progress of my castle. I wanted to make mine to look a little different. So i came up with the concept of a Castle made out of bits and bobs like pencils, memo paper, boxes and matches ect. I like this idea because it's quite 'alternative'. I like the final out come. I focused this piece a lot with the textures. As I made the textures for the pen, pencils, flags, floor, ruler, match box and cardboard box.

Here are the final renders of my Finished castle Idea.

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